Thursday, March 15, 2012

This week

Ellie turned 4 months this week!

This week Ellie and I spent 5 days with family in Iowa while Brent went to Oklahoma for a conference with church. Ellie got to ride in a plane for the first time!

She had lots of fun with our family.

When we got back Ellie had her 4 month doctor's appointment. She is healthy and growing (tall but not wide) but she got four more shots:( 

The doctor also said Ellie could start trying rice cereal. So we bought some and gave it a try:) She was a little confused about what to do with it at first but she is figuring it out and seems to like it.
"What is this stuff?"

I would put pictures up here of Brent's week too but I don't have any:( But he had a great time and is seriously considering going through the schooling through CMA to be a licensed pastor. 
What a beautiful baby!

And a very happy baby:)
Lastly, a HUGE praise to God...Ellie seems to be growing out of her milk sensitivity!! Momma is so excited to have a glass of milk again without having a screaming baby afterward!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Another Milestone!

Ellie learned to roll over on Saturday! I laid Ellie down on her tummy in the ladies robing room during church so I could take care of her diaper in the bathroom. I walked out less than a minute later and she was on her back! Now she won't stay on her tummy anymore. As soon as I lay her down she pushes herself right over. Way to go Ellie, not even 4 months and already rolling over!

So cute!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Big News!

This week has been full of lots of "big girl" things for little Ellie!

She has (kind of) grown into her 3-6 month clothes! I noticed one morning that her jammies were getting a little too small for her long little body so it was time to move up a size. The new ones are still a bit too big but at least she has room to stretch out in them now.

Ellie also moved into a new room!

Her new room is warmer at night, darker during the day and way more girly:)  I think she likes it!

And most exciting, she went to her first concert!

Nana and Opa got everyone tickets to see Michael W. Smith at a local church. Opa, Nana, Uncle Erich, Uncle Josh and Kelsey were all there with us. Ellie seemed to enjoy listening to the loud music and watching all that was going on around us. And when all of the excitement got to be too much she fell asleep without a fuss.

Her first time in her swing.

Ellie and her puppy spending some time outside!

Her first bloody nose! The air in the house was a little too dry for poor Ellie. You can't really tell in the picture but her right nostril is red and there is a little blood on her sheet in front of her.

Ellie and her cousin Kameran holding hands, how cute:)

Holding her bottle all by her self!

We are calling the doctor tomorrow morning because it seems that Ellie has only gained 1 lb since her 2 month check up which was 7 weeks ago. I will update you on what they say soon.

Update: The nurse said that as long as she is gaining she should be fine. We have an appointment on the 12th so the doctor will check her out more thoroughly then.