Saturday, April 14, 2012

The last few weeks

Sorry I have not updated in a while. Our internet provider decided to stop providing service in the Dayton area without letting us know beforehand. So here is an update of the last few weeks.
Ellie's first feel of grass
Ellie started veggies. She started with avocados but prefered the carrots that followed.

She started drinking from a sippy cup!

Sunday's Easter dress

Saturday's Easter dress

This is also Easter Sunday but this was in honor of opening week, our poor conflicted child:)

Ellie turned 5 Months!

Ellie has also started teething. It hasn't been so much fun for her but she is taking it like a trooper. Hopefully the little tooth with pop out soon so she can get some relief. She gets to see her Grandpa Stanton this Friday in Indy!