Sunday, January 26, 2014


I have completely gotten out of the habit of updating everyone on our kiddos. So sorry! Too much has happened since my last update to even remember everything but the pictures summarize the past few months. Ellie turned two, loves going to gymnastics and is so close to being potty trained. Tidus is 7 months, is army crawling and is the happiest baby I have ever met. Brent finished turning our two season porch into a play room for the kiddos and we celebrated our fifth anniversary!

We went to a new place to get our Christmas tree this year.

Tidus hanging out under the tree, he loved looking up at the lights.

Ellie loves feeding her baby brother:)

This little man's smile is AMAZING!

Yummy food.

Brent and Ellie were working on Ellie's model pose:)

Christmas 2013
Ellie has a thing for lines, pumpkins, books, toys... You name it, she lines it up.

Ellie was the flower girl from Uncle Josh and Aunt Tiffany

Hanging out at the park, so content.

Playing with Grandma

Grandma Stanton and our kiddos.

My goodness, that face, I could kiss it all day...

This one too.

Helping Daddy put up the ceiling fan.

The first snow of the season happened to fall on Ellie's birthday

This year was a party we will never forget. Tornado warnings caused a last minute location change and some time in the basement.

Tidus' Dedication