Thursday, July 19, 2012

8 Months!

Little Ellie turned 8 months on the 12th of this month. I thought I would share a few pictures and a cute video of our little girl.

Playing with Daddy at the park

Going up...

And sliding down.

She has her eye on something she wants.

Hmm, how do I rip this thing.

This is her "I'm concentrating" face...I love it!

"Oh, hi Daddy."



Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July!

It was so strange not to be in Iowa enjoying the cool of the lake this year for the 4th but we had a great time with some of our friends! My high school best friend was in town so we went to her parents for a cookout. It was so good to spend time with all of them. Ellie was a little nervous of the 5 dogs at first but by the end of the day she didn't mind them.

She makes some of the cutest faces:)

Not very happy that Mama put her on the floor to play when she was having so much fun on the table.

Mmmm delicious.

Saying hi to Sarah.

She had a lot to say.

Look how cute that little face is:)

She is just the sweetest thing I have ever seen!

We hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

7 1/2 Months

Our little cutie is getting sweeter and sweeter every day! She is now pulling up on EVERYTHING like a an empty toy bin for instance. 

Ellie thinks mess making is the newest Olympic sport. She's been practicing hard.

And the gold medal goes to...Ellie Nussbaum!

She thought she was going to help load the dishwasher, she ended up just  pulling out all of the dirty dishes.

She loves her baby brother, though most of the time she is a little too rough. (Sorry, we have to block him out)

Reading a book in her tent with her daddy.
She is getting so busy and so daring; and she has plenty of bruises on her head to prove it! It's so fun watching her little personality come to life!