Friday, September 6, 2013

2 Months!

Tidus turned two months last week and got his first round of shots too. Poor guy was not a fan of the shots and got a bit of a fever for a couple of days. It was the worst experience I have had with shots so far but it is over now! Here he is with his cute little smile!

Big sister decided to join the photo shoot:)
Speaking of big sister, Ellie has been a busy girl as always:)

She built a city with all of her little people.

Learning to swim with Dad.

She loves walking up and down stairs in the water.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Our big girl!

Ellie has been doing so well with potty training this week! Today was a huge day for her, she went to the potty every time she had to go and did it without me having to prompt her. She had one #2 accident, on our new couch, but we haven't really talked to her about that yet so she really had no idea she was supposed to do that in the potty too, oops. She is so proud of herself when she goes!

Our little man is getting big too. He is bigger at 7 weeks than his sister was at 4 months! He loves to smile and "talk" which is so cute!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A quick peek...

...At our little man! He has been such a joy and a great sleeper!

She loves her little Brother

Tidus Everett

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Potty Training!

Day 1 was not too successful, there was very little sitting and the potty was still clean at the end of the day. So, how do you keep a very active 17 month old still long enough to actually pee on the potty?

Give her a stack of cups and sit her in front of the TV of course:)
It took a lot of sitting, and a lot of juice but...

She did it!!!
Enjoying her success in the form of a Reese's!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cookie Making

We made cookies with Ellie tonight!

Helping mix the batter.

Making sure Dada is doing it right.

Yum! Cookie dough.

Enjoying the fruits of her labor.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Iowa trip and the pool

I finally got all of our pictures uploaded to our computer so here is an update of the last few months. Christmas was so much fun with Ellie this year. She loved opening presents and playing with each thing before she went on to the next present. We ended up leaving for Iowa a day early (Christmas night) because we got quite a bit of snow in Dayton the next morning. So we stayed in a hotel half way to Iowa and went to rest of the way in the morning. The trip was easy because Ellie slept most of the time (we may remember this in the future) and it was only a few hours each day. We had a great visit with everyone and were sad to say goodbye.
Ellie and Grandma Stanton when we arrived.

Ellie loves her slide!
There was snow in Iowa so we bundled up and went out to play.

Ellie, Uncle Jeff and Brent "sledding" in the back yard.
Uncle Tyler and Ellie running around outside.
Ellie and Grandpa Stanton being silly.
Visiting with Cousin Max at Great Grandma Dannen's house.

Jeff's 16th Birthday!

Life since leaving Iowa has been pretty normal. Ellie and I are trying to find ways to burn off her endless energy without being about to go outside much. Our local rec center has a mommy and me play time in the pool that Ellie seems to enjoy. 

Poor Ellie was freezing in this picture.

Trying to teach her to jump in, she ended up running away instead.
We found out that we are having a little BOY in July. We are very excited but can't seem to agree on a name, hopefully we will find one we both like by the time he is born:)

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Where have the past two months gone?!?! Hopefully I can get our pictures loaded soon but for now, this is how we entertain Ellie while waiting for the doctor to come in.