Thursday, May 10, 2012

Out of the Dark Ages

We finally have internet in our home again! (Thanks to a great deal from AT&T) So I will hopefully be able to update the blog a lot more often now.

First, an update from the last post. We had a great visit with Grandpa in Indy. We had lunch and hung out for a little while until he had to go back to work. Ellie did great on the short trip and loved seeing her grandpa.

After our visit with Grandpa Ellie went to watch Daddy play softball for the first time.

Ellie has grown more the past few weeks then she ever has I feel. She has learned to roll from her back to her belly so she is all over the place now. She even got herself stuck under our futon:)

Because she has learned to roll, she has grown out of being swaddled at night. We found her in all sorts of uncomfortable positions and decided it was unsafe. She seems to not mind at all and still sleeps through the night for the most part. (Though she is fighting a cold and has bad diaper rash again so she has been up quite a bit the last few nights.)

She has also learned to chew, which I think is just adorable. I wanted something to distract her in the car when we went on vacation so we bought some puffs and gave it a try. It took some time but she got it figured out:)

She also has this really cute trick too:)

And here are some pictures from our vacation. We went to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania for a week of relaxing and hanging out as a family. We did a lot of hiking, movie watching and game playing. We also went to Bush kill falls to see some family. Six little girls, so cute!

5 of the 6 little girls and their mommys

Playing games with mama and daddy

So sweet:)

First time with her feet in a river

The sign for the resort we were staying on

Walking in to our condo after Ellie's first 8 hour car ride
And here is a video of her talking on one of our hikes. The video is horrible and sideways but her voice is just too sweet.

We are now back on the available homes list for foster care. Last time it took 5 months to get a placement so we probably won't have another child too soon but I will let you guys know as soon as our next kiddo arrives!